
Three ways to re-establish a new normal after covid-19


Three ways to re-establish a new normal after covid-19

The world cannot deny the drastic changes it has gone through during the Coronavirus pandemic this year, including having to isolate to help flatten the curve and prevent the spread. However, this means that all of us also have to learn to adapt to a new normal, and it can be scary, uncertain, and different! 

Now, we are at a point where we need to learn new ways to help us re-establish this new normal in our lives so that we can embrace the positives and to be ok during this crisis, particularly during isolation. 

Below are three ways to re-establish a new normal: 

Get Outside Daily

Being isolated doesn’t mean we need to stay cooped up in our homes! We have the opportunity to go outside, take in the warmth of the sun, breathe the fresh air, and move our bodies. Truthfully, we should be taking advantage of that all the time!

Increased Vitamin D

The sun is packed full of Vitamin D, which is essential for boosting your mood and energy, helps lower symptoms of depression, and is excellent for your body as a whole! Basking in the warmth of the sun is enjoyable and provides a sense of calm too.

Lowered Cortisol Levels

When you’re outside, and around nature, your cortisol levels decrease, allowing your stress hormones to relax. Taking in the sights and sounds of nature can significantly aid in stress reduction! Enjoying the fresh air from having been cooped up longer than you planned for is very healthy too!

Improved Health and Well-being

There’s no time like the present to utilize the outdoors to move your body! Go for a walk, ride your bike, take a hike, go canoeing, shoot some hoops, or whatever your heart desires. By getting a minimum of 30-minutes of exercise daily, you’ll see a reduction in your weight and stress, boost your mood and energy, to name a few. Overall, exercise improves your health and well-being, allowing you to live a vibrant life.

Keep in Touch Virtually

Just because we’re all having to keep a safe distance from each other, doesn’t mean we have to stop talking or connecting! That’s the beauty of the Internet – you can still see and talk to each other as much as you want! 

Spending time talking with one another at least once a week, is such a healthy thing to do right now because chatting with someone can lift your spirits and mood!

When we talk with each other, we don’t just help ourselves, but also other people who are feeling lonely or scared. One lesson to take out of this isolation is to connect more – you have the time and resources more than ever to do so!

Add to Your Old Routine

Some things in this world don’t have to change because of isolation, and that includes your old routine! Go to bed the same time you did before all of this, wear regular clothes, etc. Add positive activities to your old routine, such as spending more time with your kids/family and find ways to enjoy peace in this new quiet normal. 

Take Care of Yourself

While having a pajama day once in a while can be a lot of fun and is encouraged, doing this often could negatively affect your mood. Wear clothing you used to wear before COVID-19 and put on some makeup if you’d like – looking your best will help you feel your best!

Try keeping things as much the same as possible! 

If you have kids who are now having school at home, changing the daily activities a lot can cause additional problems in the house; therefore, routine and structure are best. Don’t forget to set aside some time for yourself where you used to so that you can recharge and give your best to your loved ones! 

Make Your New Normal a Positive Experience 

Take this time to reflect on the quiet times you received and to embrace the positive changes you can make going forward! This new normal can end up being a positive change in your life if you allow it!

Share in the comments below: What is ONE thing you can do to re-establish a new normal in your life, following these three tips? 

Keywords: Self-Care, Coronavirus, COVID-19, New Normal, Establishing a New Normal, Social Distancing, Healthy Lifestyle, Health and Wellness, Routine, Positive Changes, Good Vibes Only, Mental Health, Growth Mindset, Stacy McIntyre, Rejuvenate IV Hydration and Wellness Center, Olympia, Washington, Small Business, Local Business, Women in Business, Locally Owned, Love Local

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