
Three tips for staying healthy through the holidays


Three tips for staying healthy through the holidays

The holiday season is an exciting time of year for many people – it’s a time to celebrate with family gatherings filled with scrumptious meals, mouth-watering desserts, snacks, drinks, games, and more! 

Unfortunately, with the holidays also come many viruses that can ruin our fun plans. In fact, a lot of the mingling and feasts contribute to poor health. Below are 3 tips for staying healthy through the holidays: 

Proper Hand Washing

To avoid catching any seasonal viruses this year (and prevent spreading!), proper handwashing is vital! Bacteria loves to sit on many surfaces that we often touch – causing illness – so it’s imperative we wash our hands every time we go to the washroom, eat and touch surfaces other people have touched. 

According to Mayo Clinic, “Frequent handwashing is one of the best ways to avoid getting sick and spreading illness.” Hand sanitizers aren’t as effective and should only be used when you have nothing else available. 

20 Second Lather Rule

The proper way to wash your hands is to ensure you lather your hands with hot water and soap for 20 seconds (teach your kids to do this with the tune of “Happy Birthday“), making sure to dry your hands completely afterward. 

Mood and Stress Management

A key piece to avoiding falling sick during the holidays is to manage your stress. If your stress levels are low, your immune system will take a huge hit, and before you know it – you’re sick at home with a virus! Getting a good, healthy handle on your stress levels can help lower any depression/anxiety and boost your immune system. 

We encourage you to check out some of the services we offer for mood/stress management to support your health during the holidays. 

IV Drips

We offer support in IV drips, particularly the “Immunity Support” cocktail designed to support your immune system, may decrease illness susceptibility, and support your body during recovery after being sick. Our recipe includes B Complex, Vitamin C, Zinc – extremely healthy and vital vitamins your body needs to support your immune system during the holidays! 

IV Boosters

We also offer support to your immune system through IV Booster Services. The ones we recommend are IV Vitamin C, IV Zinc, IV Glutathione.

Intramuscular Injections

We carry several to support and boost your immune system. Vitamin D3, Immune Boost, and Super B Complex.

Skip Overeating and Consuming Lots of Sugar

It can be challenging to pass on that extra piece of apple pie at a Christmas gathering or to pass on the glass of alcohol, but your body will thank you if you do! If you want to stay healthy through the holidays, you must skip overeating! 

A tip to help with this is to start with small portions on your plate because if you start with copious amounts, most likely you will eat it all! If you limit how much is on your plate at the beginning of the course of your meal, you may realize you don’t need/want more! If you are still sincerely hungry afterward, then go for seconds – but be honest with yourself. Reminder – your eyes are always bigger than your stomach. 

While you should avoid having any sugar because of how unhealthy it is for your body, even limiting how much you consume can help greatly! Consider skipping the glass of offered wine or beer – bacteria feeds on sugar, leading to viruses. 

Prepare to be Healthy and Enjoy the Holidays While the immune system likes to threaten us during the holiday season, it doesn’t mean it has to win! If we prepare ourselves ahead of time and find ways to manage our health better, we have a significant chance of enjoying the holiday season with little to no viruses cases – giving us more time to spend with family and loved ones instead!

Share in the comments below: What is ONE thing you can do for yourself this year to help keep you healthy through the holidays with these 3 tips? 

Keywords: Holidays, Healthy, Immune System, Cold, Flu, Virus, Glutathione, Vitamin C, Vitamin C Therapy, IV Booster Services, Immunity Support, Health and Wellness, Healthy Lifestyle, Rejuvenate Hydration and Wellness Center, Olympia, Washington, Small Business, Local Business, Women in Business, Locally Owned, Love Local, Veteran Owned

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