
Keep your mind healthy and balanced with social distancing


Keep your mind healthy and balanced with social distancing

“Social distancing” has become a new term that is very now common to our world. Ever since COVID-19 has become quite dangerous, everyone around the world has heard the term “social distancing” and has had to put it into practice! 

What is Social Distancing

In an article written on ABC News, social distancing is described by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as “remaining out of congregate settings, avoiding mass gatherings, and maintaining distance (approximately 6 feet or 2 meters) from others when possible.” The World Health Organization urges the public to leave at least 3 feet, or 1 meter, between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.” 

Why Social Distancing is Imperative 

According to Canada.ca, “social distancing is proven to be one of the most effective ways to reduce the spread of illness during an outbreak.”

Social distancing is imperative to keep those who are at high risk for dying from this horrible virus, healthy! If even just one person can avoid getting it by social distancing, the risk of infecting someone else with it is significantly lower! It is so vital that we practice this as seriously and as carefully as we can – it can genuinely help to save lives! 

Social Distancing is Difficult on the World 

Social distancing is something that is so very hard on humans – necessary, but emotionally challenging! We, as a society, are so used to rushing around everywhere, doing everything, being everyone, visiting people, shopping, socializing, etc. – and now we have been commanded by our governments to stop. Our whole world has completely changed – and it needs to stay this way until this virus is beat! But we also need to make sure we keep a healthy mind – for ourselves, our family and our loved ones! 

Below are 4 ways to help keep your mind healthy and balanced while practicing social distancing with COVID-19: 

Care for Yourself 

Self-care is more important than ever right now, with social distancing affecting our lives! We can feel unsettled when feeling isolated and not being allowed to do things we want to do – and are used to doing every day of our lives! The things that used to be normal for us are not anymore. To avoid feeling like your mind is unbalanced during this crisis, you need to take care of yourself!

Self-care comes in many different forms and is best suited to your needs and wants. Some examples could be to make time to read a good book, get cozy on the couch with a hot cup of tea, watch a good show, take a relaxing bubble bath, etc. Anything to do with taking great care of yourself will be sure to help keep your mind calm, balanced, and less agitated during this stressful time – allowing you to still do the things you need to. 


Getting some activity and exercise has been said to help significantly with mental health, so heeding this advice during social distancing is very important! 

According to healthdirect, it’s said that “If you exercise regularly, it can reduce your stress and symptoms of mental health conditions like depression and anxiety, and help with recovery from mental health issues. It can also improve your sleep, which is essential in many different ways.”

You don’t have to have fancy equipment to get in a good work out! Turn on a fun music video and dance your heart out, play a physically exerting video game, do 60 jumping jacks in your living room, walk up and down the stairs in your home, etc. 

You can get creative with this – no one said exercising has to be boring! 

Lean into Nature

Getting outside, at a safe, instructed distance from others, can be so good for you these days too! Staying cooped up in your home or in the hospital where you work, helping COVID-19 patients, isn’t healthy for your mind, and going outside is essential! Being out and around nature helps restore balance to where it is lost as well! 

Take in some fresh air, enjoy the sights and sounds of nature, and just enjoy a less cramped-in view, at least once a day for 30 minutes. While you aren’t allowed to go to a park, you can enjoy the outside from inside your home. Opening a window is also ideal! 

Meet Virtually

Just because we must keep a physical distance does not mean we can’t socialize virtually! In fact, I strongly recommend you do this to help you from feeling so isolated! There is a lot to be said about technology these days, and we need to take full advantage of its gifts to connect with our family, loved ones, and friends!

So, get on a video chat with someone you miss and chat away! Not only will this help you with not going crazy, but it will help your loved ones too! They miss socializing just as much as you do, so remind your loved ones that you care about them and are thinking about them during this difficult time with a virtual meet!

In fact, encourage your city and community around you to make this a daily habit in their struggling routine – everyone will benefit! Make sure to invite your kids too, if you have any because they also miss socializing as much as you do! 

Keeping CALM is Key!

● Care for yourself

● Active

● Lean into nature

● Meet Virtually 

If you follow these four tips, you can help keep your mind healthy and balanced during social distancing and isolation with COVID-19. Be kind to yourself on the days where you are more irritable than usual when you are exhausted when you are scared – it’s a new, scary time for our world, and keeping a healthy, balanced mind in all of this is imperative! Keep safe and healthy, my friends!

Share in the comments below: What is ONE thing you can do today to help keep your kind healthy and balanced while practicing social distancing with COVID-19. 

Keywords: Self-Care, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Social Distancing, Healthy Lifestyle, Health and Wellness, Depression, Anxiety, Mental Health, Mental Health Awareness, World Health Organization, National Institute of Mental Health, American Psychiatric Association, Ketamine Therapy, Stacy McIntyre, Rejuvenate IV Hydration and Wellness Center, Olympia, Washington, Small Business, Local Business, Women in Business, Locally Owned, Love Local

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