
Dehydration and aging: a hidden risk for seniors


Dehydration and aging: a hidden risk for seniors

Ever feel groggy after a stressful day of work?

Perhaps you feel confused or disorganized and find it hard to focus.

Even though it’s not a medical condition, brain fog feels like a cloud that’s occupying 

your mental space. The symptoms of brain fog can make it difficult to think clearly, remember things, or even put your thoughts into words. Though we all experience groggy brain fog from time to time, older adults are more at risk for cognitive decline making proper hydration essential for wellness. 

Even Mild Dehydration Impacts Cognitive Performance

No matter how mild, dehydration can adversely affect cognitive performance especially 

as we age. Dehydration slows circulation, which results in less oxygen traveling through the 

entire body…including your brain. The simple truth is, when you are well-hydrated, you make better decisions. Fluids help your cognitive function and overall brain health.

Unfortunately, the brain is one of the last areas of your body to receive hydration when 

you are only drinking fluids. To further complicate things, the sensation of thirst decreases with age, as does the amount of water in our bodies, which makes seniors more at risk for 


Dehydration and Aging

As we age, our body composition changes putting older adults at a higher risk for 

dehydration. Lower muscle mass, reduced kidney function, and blunted thirst all make older 

adults more vulnerable to dehydration. Aging gradually lowers the body’s ability to regulate its fluid balance. As a result, older people might not feel thirst as readily as younger people do so they’ll consume less water. A UCLA study found that 40% of seniors may be chronically under-hydrated. Unfortunately, the physical symptoms of dehydration can be missed. Muscle aches, dry mouth, and headaches can be missed or explained away due to other underlying medical conditions. If dehydration is not identified and properly treated, the consequences to health are significant, including loss of consciousness, rapid but weak pulse, and low blood pressure.

IV Hydration and Wellness in Olympia

Severe dehydration can impact your health and the way you feel. Help older 

adults in your life understand the importance of proper hydration as well as the symptoms of 

dehydration. At Rejuvenate IV Hydration & Wellness Center, our IV drips can help our clients to promote regular health and mental clarity at any age.

Contact us at Rejuvenate IV Hydration and Wellness Center for more information or to book an appointment.

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